On a real note: I can’t believe I’ve made it to the EIGHTH day of blogging in a row?? I honestly can’t even believe it. I think this challenge has been benefiting me so much. Because I’m forced to create every day I feel like I am not as anxious about what I’m posting, I’ve been feeling SO creative. I’ve loved the feedback from everyone and how beautiful my photos are turning out despite the limited time I have to create every day. I’m actually surprised how good I feel about it, I knew it would be ~good to do~ but didn’t expect to be so happy with the results!
Anyways… Christmas is SO SO soon, and I’m feeling more festive and in tune with this holiday than ever before. It feels so magical this year! I wanted to take some time to just journal about things I’m thankful for during this season. It’s so important to remember all the good things you have going for you instead of getting hung up on everything you don’t have, so let’s get to it!
- My apartment. Although I’ve had a love/hate relationship with my apartment over the years, I’m still pretty happy to call it home deep down. I always get stuck in the rabbit hole of wanting a bigger, more beautiful, more updated space, blah blah. But you know what? I’ve done a pretty dang good job of making mini corners here and there look cozy and cute. Especially for this Christmas. I think it’s the first time I finally feel satisfied with how I decorated. And it feels so good.
- My health. Even though I’ve been on and off with some nasty colds in the last few weeks, I’m thankful I don’t have any critical illnesses. At work, we wrote Christmas cards to kids at our local Children’s hospital, and it really made me think just how lucky we are that we don’t have to spend the holiday in those circumstances.
- My family. I had dinner with my parents tonight, and we had so much awesome, genuine conversation. They always have the best advice. We even talked about so many memories we’ve had from traveling when I was much younger with them. I really really cherish those moments with them and hope to see them, and the rest of my family is much as I can. Family is super important to me and has continued you to be more critical as I’ve gotten older.
- My creativity. It’s pretty amazing to see how I’ve honed all my talents and creativity into doing so much now. I get to work on so many cool projects and get paid for doing the things I’m most passionate about. It blows my mind. If I could tell my 15-year-old self what I do every day and how much I use all those talents I’ve had to make a living for myself, I think she would have been floored. I also just want to add how much I cherish my camera. It gives me so many memories around the holidays that I will have forever. I love photography and being able to capture a piece of time forever. I can’t wait to be old and wrinkly one day while looking back at all my old photos from these years, haha.
- My boyfriend. Having a life partner to do life with brings me so much joy. I spent most of my twenties in rocky, crappy relationships, or just doing everything alone. The unconditional support and love I have with James mean the world to me. And it’s pretty lovely having company to do all of life’s annoying things like going to the grocery store or cleaning the apartment. 😉
- My dog, Bailey. Bailey was diagnosed with cancer this year, and due to his age, there’s not much we can do for him. We got Bailey when I was a sophomore in high school (which feels like forever ago) It’s crazy to think about how much change and stuff has happened with our family during all those years. But Bailey was always there wagging his tail and shoving his cute face in your lap, looking for some attention. I’m going to really appreciate him this Christmas. He’s been the best dog. Ever.
- My friends. Gosh, I have some of the best friends around. We plan holiday parties, girls nights, secret Santa exchanges, and most of us have been friends for a pretty longggg time. Some of them even feel like family at this point. We’ve all seen each other go through… a lot, lol. And being there for one another through all of life’s trials and tribulations has been a blessing.
- My blog! Oh gosh, it’s crazy to think how far it has come and how much I’ve accomplished the last 3 years. But I do know how much of an outlet this has been for me and how much opportunity it has brought me. I’m forever thankful to you guys who continue to support me and love what I share. Without you, I wouldn’t be able to do this whole crazy thing, and for that, I’m forever grateful to you!
- My new car. This may sound ridiculous, but I’m lovinggggg my new car, it’s the nicest one I’ve ever had, and I’m grateful all my hard work has paid off, and I can drive something so nice. Oh, and this is the first time I’ve ever named my car, lol. Her name is Coco because she’s white like a coconut. :O)
- The book: Fear is my Homeboy by Judi Holler. This book got sent to me in a PR package this week, and it honestly felt like a sign. I woke up at 5 am last night not being able to sleep, so I decided to read, and when I started reading her book, it was like all my most profound questions I’ve been having lately we’re being answered. She’s amazing. And she teaches you how to be friends with your fear and how you need fear to level up in your life. I’m only on chapter 1, but I couldn’t get over how much it has already inspired me. I can’t wait to finish it.
- All the holiday-inspired food and drinks. This year, my Dad’s side is making a bunch of bagged meals on our Christmas Eve celebration to give to children who need it. It’s not too often we even think twice about the food and drinks we get to enjoy over the holidays. But when you take a step back, we are so lucky to even have food on the table.
- Social media. I get that social media is a double-edged sword. But if we’re only looking at the positives. I’m SOO grateful for all the inspiration I get on Pinterest daily, the real-life friends I’ve met through Instagram, and all the cleaning motivation + recipes I can get on Youtube. It’s crazy how easy it is to share ideas and get inspired, and it’s something I really value.
Now it’s your turn! What are you grateful for? Let me know in the comments below or on my latest Instagram post here.